It helps you to achieve the means to pay the loans later in the working world, so it is not all orange bear and overcast. Just remember, all that expensive education is a worthy investment in your future. Student loan debt can make you lose more sleep than the final exams. Average student graduates in Canada accumulate more than 26,000 CAD student loans. College debt in the US fluctuates in or approximately $37,000 USD per person, while graduates in the UK are in the price range of about £50,000 GBP. The international work experience also looks pretty good in your profile (no matter what path you decide to do later) and it's easy to get started.īut there, there is no denying that moving abroad to teach English as a new student out of school (and broke) also brings out its own challenges – especially when it comes to annoying student loan repayment.įor many recent graduates across the globe, student loans are considered a necessary evil. Teaching English abroad can be a great experience. Why not teach English abroad? All you need is your degree and English skills (plus a TEFL certificate to demonstrate your English teaching know-how). If you want to start working, but you don't want to say goodbye to your young age, we have a solution here at Teach Away. Some graduates, of course, have a job in the queue or are planning to graduate from high school. When the huge accumulation of your graduation ceremony takes place, you can continually face the question: what are you going to do with your life after graduation? Trust us – you'll hear this one million and once! Graduation is an enjoyable and scary time equally in your adult life.